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Батареи стартерные для мотоциклов и мотороллеровBattery 6МТС-9, 6МТС-9АП  lead-acid electrochemical system reusable, starter, designed for groups of engines while other power consumers of electricity motorcycles and scooters

Аircraft batteries

Аккумуляторная батарея 12-САМ-28ПBattery storage lead aviation 12-САМ-28П ТУ 16-89 ИРФГ.563400.001 designed to work on aircraft to run standalone on-board aircraft engines and electrical equipment, to supply power under emergency conditions in the electrical system of the aircraft.

Battery series "STANDARD"

СТАНДАРТQuality standards in its segment. Use of a polyethylene separator envelope reduces the risk of a short circuit, improving the reliability and service life of the battery. A tunnel and a single flash suppressor provide absolute explosion of the battery.

Battery series "PILOT"

ПИЛОТInnovative technologies used in the production of this battery, along with aviation, give excellent results: high conductivity, higher currents start mode when the engine is started - 30 ° C, reducing water losses, impact resistant polypropylene housing and absolute explosion.


Battery series "AEROFORSAZH"

АЭРОФОРСАЖThe first battery, made by sodium technology NaSO4, which can reduce the internal resistance of the battery and increase the current given off. High efficiency is achieved when the engine is started with the help of technology Hi Drive. Technology labyrinth lid reduces SW boil-off, maintaining a sufficient concentration of the electrolyte, thus increasing the battery life of the warranty to 3 years.

